working visa

The Fly International / working visa

Work visa benefits in the United States

A work visa can be an excellent option for those who want to live and work in America and enjoy all of the great opportunities that it has to offer. Some of the key benefits of a work visa include:

  • Freedom to travel in and out of the country as you please.
  • Ability to work for any company or organization that you choose.
  • Freedom to start your own business if you wish.
  • Access to top-quality education options should you want or need them in order to advance your career.
  • A high standard of living with access to excellent healthcare and other important services.
  • An opportunity to make valuable connections that can open up new doors for you in both your professional and personal life.

Work visa benefits in the United Kingdom

If you're planning to work or study in the United Kingdom, a valid visa is essential. Depending on your circumstances, there are many different types of visas available that can provide benefits such as:

  • Freedom to work full-time or part-time for any employer, without needing permission from a UK employer
  • The ability to bring family members with you while you're working in the UK.
  • Studying full-time or part-time at one of the many universities and colleges throughout the country

Work visa benefits in Canada

Canada offers a number of work visa benefits to its international workers and job seekers. These include:

  • Access to the world-class healthcare system, which ensures free basic medical coverage while you reside in Canada;
  • Affordable housing options, including rental apartments, condominiums, and townhouses;
  • A dynamic tax regime, which is one of the most favorable in the world;
  • A safe and secure environment that is free from terrorism and other serious threats to public security.

Work visa benefits in Australia

There are a number of work visa benefits that can be enjoyed by workers who apply for work visas to move and work in Australia. Some of the most common work visa benefits include:

  • The ability to live and work permanently in Australia. Successful applicants for a permanent residence visa do not have to return to their home country after the expiration of their temporary visa.
  • The ability to apply for citizenship, allows you to enjoy all the rights and privileges of an Australian citizen.
  • The ability to travel freely throughout the country without restrictions on your freedom of movement or employment opportunities.

Work visa benefits in Germany

Germany is one of the best countries for ex-pats. There are plenty of reasons why you would want to look for work in Germany and apply for a work visa if accepted. The benefits of working in Germany are quite numerous, ranging from job security and good working conditions to an excellent education system and welcoming culture. Let’s take a look at some of the top work visa benefits in Germany.

  • Job security and excellent working conditions
  • Good education system
  • A welcoming culture for expats
  • High quality of life and excellent healthcare services
  • Opportunities for professional growth and career development in all industries
  • Easy access to major cities, making it easy to enjoy the many other cultural benefits Germany has to offer!

Work visa benefits in Italy

If you’re considering moving to Italy for work, you may be wondering about the benefits of a work visa. Here are some of the things that can make life as an ex-pat in Italy easier:

  • Visa-free travel throughout all 26 European countries within the Schengen area with your Italian residency permit.
  • You don’t need to apply for an Italian work visa if you have a job lined up or your own start-up business in Italy.
  • Most people find that working in Italy is a fantastic experience, not only because of the beautiful Italian culture and amazing food but also because of the great quality of life this country offers.

Work visa benefits in France

Some of the work visa benefits in France include:

  • It allows you to live and work in France legally. This means that you can easily find employment opportunities, as employers know that you have the legal authority to be employed.
  • Having a work visa also gives you access to social services, such as healthcare and unemployment insurance, which can be invaluable in times of need.
  • It allows you to stay in France for potentially longer periods than if you were simply on a tourist visa.

Work visa benefits in Portugal

The work visa in Portugal is a pretty solid deal. Here’s what you get:

  • A job with a contract that is written down and signed off on by both sides. You know exactly what to expect from your employer in terms of hours, working conditions, the salary promised, etc. No vague promises or empty promises here.
  • You’ll have access to all the social security benefits that come with working in Portugal, including healthcare and unemployment insurance.
  • You’ll have all the full legal protections that come with working in a stable country, from national insurance to tax benefits to retirement benefits.

Work visa benefits in Switzerland

Switzerland offers work visas to people of all nationalities and with various skill sets. A work visa allows a worker to legally operate their business in Switzerland for at least one year. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy as a holder of a Swiss work visa:

  • You have access to the Swiss social security system.
  • You are free to live anywhere within Switzerland’s borders.
  • You will have the opportunity to learn and speak German, French or Italian.
  • You will be able to take advantage of the many job opportunities available in Switzerland.
  • You can apply for permanent residence once your work visa has expired.
  • You are free to travel in and out of Switzerland while your work visa is valid.

Work visa benefits in New Zealand

The work visa benefits of New Zealand include:

  • Work visas allow you to work in New Zealand for a certain amount of time. If your visa is sponsored by an employer, the work visa is called a job search visa.
  • A job search visa allows you to stay and look for employment while you are in New Zealand. This means that if you find employment with an employer who is happy to sponsor you, your visa can be converted into a work visa. This could take up to two months, so it’s important that you start looking for employment as soon as possible after arriving.
  • If you don’t find employment as quickly as you would like, there are other options available to you. You can change your job search visa into a visitor's visa and continue looking for employment, or you could return to your home country and look for work from there. You can also apply for a temporary work visa if you have an offer of employment from an employer in New Zealand who is willing to sponsor you.

Work visa benefits in Singapore

The benefits of a work visa in Singapore include:

  • Allows you to have a more stable job, as opposed to constantly having to look for new employers or contracts if you’re on a visitor visa.
  • Allows you to stay in Singapore for a longer period of time, usually 3 months for each visa renewal.
  • Gives you the ability to earn in Singapore, thus paying taxes and other financial contributions here as a citizen.
  • Allows you to apply for PR after a few years of working, which makes it much easier to apply for permanent citizenship.
  • Increases your chances of being able to bring your family over to Singapore and settle down.
  • Allows you to participate in the various national schemes.

Work visa benefits in Dubai

If you're looking to live and work in Dubai, a work visa may be the right choice for you. There are many benefits of having a UAE work visa, including:

  • Being able to live and work in one of the most modern cities in the world. With its impressive skyline and advanced infrastructure, Dubai is an exciting place to live and work.
  • Having the opportunity to experience a unique culture and cuisine unlike anywhere else in the world. From delicious local dishes to stunning art and architecture, there are many things to see and do in Dubai.
  • Enjoying tax-free income, which means you can save more money while living abroad than you typically would at home.
  • Having access to world-class healthcare services, which are often free for ex-pats who have a UAE work visa.
  • Being part of a diverse and multicultural workforce, where you can learn from colleagues who come from all around the globe.

Work visa benefits in Ireland

Ireland has a very positive work visa policy that offers several benefits to foreign workers, including:

  • Ease of application. The application is simple and straightforward, and the process can be completed in just a few weeks.
  • Once you’re approved for your visa, there are no restrictions on how long you can stay in the country.
  • Once you’ve lived in Ireland for a year, you can apply for permanent residency status and stay in the country permanently, if you want to.
  • There are no language requirements or age restrictions for work visa applicants, meaning that anyone who wants to come to Ireland and work can do so!
  • The Irish government understands how important it is for international workers to be able to bring their families with them, so they offer work visas that include accompanying family members.

Work visa benefits in Scotland

Scotland is a popular destination for international workers looking for work visas. There is a range of visa benefits available in Scotland, including:

  • Potentially faster processing times than other parts of the UK
  • No minimum salary requirements - if you can find an employer willing to sponsor you, it's possible to obtain a work visa without the need to prove that you have the means to support yourself
  • You can apply for permanent residence after five years of continuous residency - this gives you a wide range of benefits, including access to public services and the right to bring your family members with you.

Work visa benefits in Malaysia

Malaysia is an attractive destination for foreign workers due to its many benefits, such as the low cost of living and high quality of life. If you’re looking to work in Malaysia, you will need a valid work visa. Here are some things to consider when applying for a Malaysian work visa:

  • Malaysia has a strong economy, and there are many opportunities for foreign workers with skills in demand.
  • The cost of living in Malaysia is relatively low compared to many other countries, making it an appealing destination for ex-pats looking to save money on daily expenses.
  • Malaysia has a high quality of life, with excellent healthcare facilities and easy access to a wide range of amenities and services.
  • To apply for a Malaysian work visa, you will need to provide certain documents, such as your education certificates and employment history.
  • You may also be asked to undergo a medical examination before receiving your work visa. 

Work visa benefits in Hong Kong

Work visas can provide a number of benefits to both employees and employers. These include the following:

  • Greater flexibility in hiring and firing employees
  • Ability to transfer employees between different locations or offices easily
  • Greater mobility for the employee, enabling them to take advantage of opportunities that arise in other countries or cities
  • A better work-life balance for many employees, as they no longer need to live in the city where they work, and can instead choose to live closer to family or in a more desirable location
  • Greater certainty for employers around the stability of their workforce
  • Enhanced ability for businesses to expand into new markets and territories quickly and easily